/* TEAM */ Guthrie Weinschenk - Coder, Website Designer, Headed up Website Development (info@theteamw.com) Susan Weinschenk - Provided Website Content, Assisted on Layout and Design (susan@theteamw.com) /* THANKS */ Our thanks goes out to http://humanstxt.org/ for their inspiration to create this file and the philosophy behind it. We would like to thank the amazing team over at http://www.googleventures.com/ for the work they do to support and create a more beautiful internet. We would also like to thank http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap for their work. This website would not exist without their vision. /* SITE */ Initial Website Creation Occurred May 2013-July 2013 Current Generation Occurred 2021 From Chicago, IL and Edgar, WI Components: The base site was created using Bootstrap. Coding of the cite was done on our server.